Current version: 0.4.3


HTTP calls

Show HTTP requests made by Rails while processing your requests

Sometimes your application will call external APIs to complete the request. I always found it annoying that they wouldn't show up in the browser devtools to inspect the headers, params, and response. It makes perfect sense that it's not in the browser devtools, but we're so used to the tools, I wish I could see them there.

If you ever felt that way, you'll enjoy this feature. The debugbar will show you all the HTTP requests made by Rails while processing your requests.

Screenshot of HTTP queries in the debugbar


This feature relies on the httplog gem. The gem is not included by default, so you need to add it to your Gemfile. If you don't already have it, make sure to add it in development only.

1group :development do
2 gem 'httplog'

The debugbar gem will automatically configure the logger to output the HTTP calls in the debugbar.

If you're using the httplog gem in production, double check that the debugbar isn't enabled in production or it will mess with your configuration.